Hearing a Binary Counter
Each of the bits in a binary number has been assigned to a different note. When the binary number is incremented or decremented, we play a note for each bit that is 1.
To do:
- Hit the +1 button.
- Notice how bit 0 becomes 1 so that the decimal number is 1.
- Hear the lowest frequency corresponding to bit 0. (You may not be able to hear the lowest note if you are listening to the speakers on a laptop computer. Try using headphones or external speakers.)
- Hit +1 again.
- Notice how bit 1 becomes 1 so that the decimal number is 2.
- Hear the next lowest frequency corresponding to bit 1.
- Hit +1 again.
- Notice how bit 0 and 1 are both 1 so that the decimal number is 2 + 1 = 3.
- Check the autoCount box and watch it count.